The 1st course on how to sell Emerging Technology

Helping founders and innovators

to move beyond evangelizing.

This course will help agile entrepreneurs to get their technology faster to market and increase adoption,

TRUST TEC has built this course for entrepreneurs to bridge the "no-mans land"

between a new technology that is not yet a product and a market that doesn't exist neither.

"Any sufficiently new technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Despite the benefits our buyers like, they don't like this magic touch as it is perceived with uncertainty. We need to be mindful there as it requires a complete shift in our mindset, approach and the material we bring to this relation - it's the same as dating!

- Manfred Lueth

TRL methods from NASA

Our process is using the TRL methodology developed from NASA in the 60's. to understand the maturity of a technology during its development and acquisition phase. In this course, the TRL methodology is to give a structure with its 9 maturity levels and to use metrics for measurement and control purposes.

Keeping it playful

Selling "flying bicycles" is not easy when speaking to the brain of a potential client or partner. It's more a question of phantasy, mindset and heart. While the line might be difficult to draw, particulary when talking business, this course incorporates in each bloc quiz, games and information to not only be entertaining but to retain the learnings.

Measuring relationship quality

Since adopting a more uncertainty than buying a stable, there is more attention needed on the relation than in a transaction. This course has a focus on measuring the relational quality in innovation projects by providing templates and questionnaires to identify mismatches in communiction as well as to uncover problems in the project itself.

Hi, I’m Manfred

this journey started in September 2001 after my MBA studies and a few freelance gigs in technologies companies due to my background in sales. I learnt here that most start-ups were struggeling as expected orders were repeatedly postponed and investors were reluctant to pull new money in - and those were even not pre-revenue companies. Therefore I thought that with my experience from large corporations and my newly acquired MBA knowledge, I could change the start up world by bringing a new sales approach to the table. Even if it started smoothly clients with assignments in Argentina and the USA, it took many pivots to end up with the methodological knowledge condensed in this program. It is now in Summer 2022 we start with the first release in summer 2022 and it comes with tools and game elements that hopefully are playful and useful for the user. Hence, there is for sure space to improve.

Therefore, I kindly asky you to contact me directly with any feedback you might have, questions, ambiguities or ideas. Your feedback is the lifeblood to make this program relevant and to get better.